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一个比较简单的windows GUI python自动化脚本模块,能够实现基本的查找与点击,但是功能比较简单,查找的时候不支持正则查找文字,也不支持窗口ID查询,不过可以满足基本的需求,不要要求太苛刻
# Module : winGuiAuto.py # Synopsis : Windows GUI automation utilities # Programmer : Simon Brunning - simon@brunningonline.net # Date : 25 June 2003 # Version : 1.0 pre-alpha 2 # Copyright : Released to the public domain. Provided as-is, with no warranty. # Notes : Requires Python 2.3, win32all and ctypes '''Windows GUI automation utilities. Until I get around to writing some docs and examples, the tests at the foot of this module should serve to get you started. ''' import array import ctypes import os import struct import sys import win32api import win32con import win32gui def findTopWindow(wantedText=None, wantedClass=None, selectionFunction=None): '''Find the hwnd of a top level window. You can identify windows using captions, classes, a custom selection function, or any combination of these. (Multiple selection criteria are ANDed. If this isn't what's wanted, use a selection function.) Arguments: wantedText Text which the required window's captions must contain. wantedClass Class to which the required window must belong. selectionFunction Window selection function. Reference to a function should be passed here. The function should take hwnd as an argument, and should return True when passed the hwnd of a desired window. Raises: WinGuiAutoError When no window found. Usage example: optDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText="Options") ''' topWindows = findTopWindows(wantedText, wantedClass, selectionFunction) if topWindows: return topWindows[0] else: raise WinGuiAutoError("No top level window found for wantedText=" + repr(wantedText) + ", wantedClass=" + repr(wantedClass) + ", selectionFunction=" + repr(selectionFunction)) def findTopWindows(wantedText=None, wantedClass=None, selectionFunction=None): '''Find the hwnd of top level windows. You can identify windows using captions, classes, a custom selection function, or any combination of these. (Multiple selection criteria are ANDed. If this isn't what's wanted, use a selection function.) Arguments: wantedText Text which required windows' captions must contain. wantedClass Class to which required windows must belong. selectionFunction Window selection function. Reference to a function should be passed here. The function should take hwnd as an argument, and should return True when passed the hwnd of a desired window. Returns: A list containing the window handles of all top level windows matching the supplied selection criteria. Usage example: optDialogs = findTopWindows(wantedText="Options") ''' results = [] topWindows = [] win32gui.EnumWindows(_windowEnumerationHandler, topWindows) for hwnd, windowText, windowClass in topWindows: if wantedText and not _normaliseText(wantedText) in _normaliseText(windowText): continue if wantedClass and not windowClass == wantedClass: continue if selectionFunction and not selectionFunction(hwnd): continue results.append(hwnd) return results def dumpWindow(hwnd): '''Dump all controls from a window into a nested list Useful during development, allowing to you discover the structure of the contents of a window, showing the text and class of all contained controls. Arguments: The window handle of the top level window to dump. Returns A nested list of controls. Each entry consists of the control's hwnd, its text, its class, and its sub-controls, if any. Usage example: replaceDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='Replace') pprint.pprint(dumpWindow(replaceDialog)) ''' windows = [] try: win32gui.EnumChildWindows(hwnd, _windowEnumerationHandler, windows) except win32gui.error: # No child windows return windows = [list(window) for window in windows] for window in windows: childHwnd, windowText, windowClass = window window_content = dumpWindow(childHwnd) if window_content: window.append(window_content) return windows def findControl(topHwnd, wantedText=None, wantedClass=None, selectionFunction=None): '''Find a control. You can identify a control using caption, classe, a custom selection function, or any combination of these. (Multiple selection criteria are ANDed. If this isn't what's wanted, use a selection function.) Arguments: topHwnd The window handle of the top level window in which the required controls reside. wantedText Text which the required control's captions must contain. wantedClass Class to which the required control must belong. selectionFunction Control selection function. Reference to a function should be passed here. The function should take hwnd as an argument, and should return True when passed the hwnd of the desired control. Returns: The window handle of the first control matching the supplied selection criteria. Raises: WinGuiAutoError When no control found. Usage example: optDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText="Options") okButton = findControl(optDialog, wantedClass="Button", wantedText="OK") ''' controls = findControls(topHwnd, wantedText=wantedText, wantedClass=wantedClass, selectionFunction=selectionFunction) if controls: return controls[0] else: raise WinGuiAutoError("No control found for topHwnd=" + repr(topHwnd) + ", wantedText=" + repr(wantedText) + ", wantedClass=" + repr(wantedClass) + ", selectionFunction=" + repr(selectionFunction)) def findControls(topHwnd, wantedText=None, wantedClass=None, selectionFunction=None): '''Find controls. You can identify controls using captions, classes, a custom selection function, or any combination of these. (Multiple selection criteria are ANDed. If this isn't what's wanted, use a selection function.) Arguments: topHwnd The window handle of the top level window in which the required controls reside. wantedText Text which the required controls' captions must contain. wantedClass Class to which the required controls must belong. selectionFunction Control selection function. Reference to a function should be passed here. The function should take hwnd as an argument, and should return True when passed the hwnd of a desired control. Returns: The window handles of the controls matching the supplied selection criteria. Usage example: optDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText="Options") def findButtons(hwnd, windowText, windowClass): return windowClass == "Button" buttons = findControl(optDialog, wantedText="Button") ''' def searchChildWindows(currentHwnd): results = [] childWindows = [] try: win32gui.EnumChildWindows(currentHwnd, _windowEnumerationHandler, childWindows) except win32gui.error: # This seems to mean that the control *cannot* have child windows, # i.e. not a container. return for childHwnd, windowText, windowClass in childWindows: descendentMatchingHwnds = searchChildWindows(childHwnd) if descendentMatchingHwnds: results += descendentMatchingHwnds if wantedText and \ not _normaliseText(wantedText) in _normaliseText(windowText): continue if wantedClass and \ not windowClass == wantedClass: continue if selectionFunction and \ not selectionFunction(childHwnd): continue results.append(childHwnd) return results return searchChildWindows(topHwnd) def getTopMenu(hWnd): '''Get a window's main, top level menu. Arguments: hWnd The window handle of the top level window for which the top level menu is required. Returns: The menu handle of the window's main, top level menu. Usage example: hMenu = getTopMenu(hWnd)''' return ctypes.windll.user32.GetMenu(ctypes.c_long(hWnd)) def activateMenuItem(hWnd, menuItemPath): '''Activate a menu item Arguments: hWnd The window handle of the top level window whose menu you wish to activate. menuItemPath The path to the required menu item. This should be a sequence specifying the path through the menu to the required item. Each item in this path can be specified either as an index, or as a menu name. Raises: WinGuiAutoError When the requested menu option isn't found. Usage example: activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ('file', 'open')) Which is exactly equivalent to... activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, (0, 1))''' # By Axel Kowald (kowald@molgen.mpg.de) # Modified by S Brunning to accept strings in addition to indicies. # Top level menu hMenu = getTopMenu(hWnd) # Get top level menu's item count. Is there a better way to do this? for hMenuItemCount in xrange(256): try: getMenuInfo(hMenu, hMenuItemCount) except WinGuiAutoError: break hMenuItemCount -= 1 # Walk down submenus for submenu in menuItemPath[:-1]: try: # submenu is an index 0 + submenu submenuInfo = getMenuInfo(hMenu, submenu) hMenu, hMenuItemCount = submenuInfo.submenu, submenuInfo.itemCount except TypeError: # Hopefully, submenu is a menu name try: dump, hMenu, hMenuItemCount = _findNamedSubmenu(hMenu, hMenuItemCount, submenu) except WinGuiAutoError: raise WinGuiAutoError("Menu path " + repr(menuItemPath) + " cannot be found.") # Get required menu item's ID. (the one at the end). menuItem = menuItemPath[-1] try: # menuItem is an index 0 + menuItem menuItemID = ctypes.windll.user32.GetMenuItemID(hMenu, menuItem) except TypeError: # Hopefully, menuItem is a menu name try: subMenuIndex, dump, dump = _findNamedSubmenu(hMenu, hMenuItemCount, menuItem) except WinGuiAutoError: raise WinGuiAutoError("Menu path " + repr(menuItemPath) + " cannot be found.") # TODO - catch WinGuiAutoError. and pass on with better info. menuItemID = ctypes.windll.user32.GetMenuItemID(hMenu, subMenuIndex) # Activate win32gui.PostMessage(hWnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, menuItemID, 0) def getMenuInfo(hMenu, uIDItem): '''Get various info about a menu item. Arguments: hMenu The menu in which the item is to be found. uIDItem The item's index Returns: Menu item information object. This object is basically a 'bunch' (see http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52308). It will have useful attributes: name, itemCount, submenu, isChecked, isDisabled, isGreyed, and isSeperator Raises: WinGuiAutoError When the requested menu option isn't found. Usage example: submenuInfo = getMenuInfo(hMenu, submenu) hMenu, hMenuItemCount = submenuInfo.submenu, submenuInfo.itemCount''' # An object to hold the menu info class MenuInfo(Bunch): pass menuInfo = MenuInfo() # Menu state menuState = ctypes.windll.user32.GetMenuState(hMenu, uIDItem, win32con.MF_BYPOSITION) if menuState == -1: raise WinGuiAutoError("No such menu item, hMenu=" + str(hMenu) + " uIDItem=" + str(uIDItem)) menuInfo.isChecked = bool(menuState & win32con.MF_CHECKED) menuInfo.isDisabled = bool(menuState & win32con.MF_DISABLED) menuInfo.isGreyed = bool(menuState & win32con.MF_GRAYED) menuInfo.isSeperator = bool(menuState & win32con.MF_SEPARATOR) # ... there are more, but these are the ones I'm interested in # Menu name menuName = ctypes.c_buffer("\000" * 32) ctypes.windll.user32.GetMenuStringA(ctypes.c_int(hMenu), ctypes.c_int(uIDItem), menuName, ctypes.c_int(len(menuName)), win32con.MF_BYPOSITION) menuInfo.name = menuName.value # Sub menu info menuInfo.itemCount = menuState >> 8 if bool(menuState & win32con.MF_POPUP): menuInfo.submenu = ctypes.windll.user32.GetSubMenu(hMenu, uIDItem) else: menuInfo.submenu = None return menuInfo def clickButton(hwnd): '''Simulates a single mouse click on a button Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required button. Usage example: okButton = findControl(fontDialog, wantedClass="Button", wantedText="OK") clickButton(okButton) ''' _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.BN_CLICKED) def clickStatic(hwnd): '''Simulates a single mouse click on a static Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required static. Usage example: TODO ''' _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.STN_CLICKED) def doubleClickStatic(hwnd): '''Simulates a double mouse click on a static Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required static. Usage example: TODO ''' _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.STN_DBLCLK) def getComboboxItems(hwnd): '''Returns the items in a combo box control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle for the combo box. Returns: Combo box items. Usage example: fontCombo = findControl(fontDialog, wantedClass="ComboBox") fontComboItems = getComboboxItems(fontCombo) ''' return _getMultipleWindowValues(hwnd, getCountMessage=win32con.CB_GETCOUNT, getValueMessage=win32con.CB_GETLBTEXT) def selectComboboxItem(hwnd, item): '''Selects a specified item in a Combo box control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required combo box. item The reqired item. Either an index, of the text of the required item. Usage example: fontComboItems = getComboboxItems(fontCombo) selectComboboxItem(fontCombo, random.choice(fontComboItems)) ''' try: # item is an index Use this to select 0 + item win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.CB_SETCURSEL, item, 0) _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.CBN_SELCHANGE) except TypeError: # Item is a string - find the index, and use that items = getComboboxItems(hwnd) itemIndex = items.index(item) selectComboboxItem(hwnd, itemIndex) def getListboxItems(hwnd): '''Returns the items in a list box control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle for the list box. Returns: List box items. Usage example: TODO ''' return _getMultipleWindowValues(hwnd, getCountMessage=win32con.LB_GETCOUNT, getValueMessage=win32con.LB_GETTEXT) def selectListboxItem(hwnd, item): '''Selects a specified item in a list box control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required list box. item The reqired item. Either an index, of the text of the required item. Usage example: TODO ''' try: # item is an index Use this to select 0 + item win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.LB_SETCURSEL, item, 0) _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE) except TypeError: # Item is a string - find the index, and use that items = getListboxItems(hwnd) itemIndex = items.index(item) selectListboxItem(hwnd, itemIndex) def getEditText(hwnd): '''Returns the text in an edit control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle for the edit control. Returns Edit control text lines. Usage example: pprint.pprint(getEditText(editArea)) ''' return _getMultipleWindowValues(hwnd, getCountMessage=win32con.EM_GETLINECOUNT, getValueMessage=win32con.EM_GETLINE) def setEditText(hwnd, text, append=False): '''Set an edit control's text. Arguments: hwnd The edit control's hwnd. text The text to send to the control. This can be a single string, or a sequence of strings. If the latter, each will be become a a seperate line in the control. append Should the new text be appended to the existing text? Defaults to False, meaning that any existing text will be replaced. If True, the new text will be appended to the end of the existing text. Note that the first line of the new text will be directly appended to the end of the last line of the existing text. If appending lines of text, you may wish to pass in an empty string as the 1st element of the 'text' argument. Usage example: print "Enter various bits of text." setEditText(editArea, "Hello, again!") time.sleep(.5) setEditText(editArea, "You still there?") time.sleep(.5) setEditText(editArea, ["Here come", "two lines!"]) time.sleep(.5) print "Add some..." setEditText(editArea, ["", "And a 3rd one!"], append=True) time.sleep(.5)''' # Ensure that text is a list try: text + '' text = [text] except TypeError: pass # Set the current selection range, depending on append flag if append: win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.EM_SETSEL, -1, 0) else: win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) # Send the text win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.EM_REPLACESEL, True, os.linesep.join(text)) def _getMultipleWindowValues(hwnd, getCountMessage, getValueMessage): '''A common pattern in the Win32 API is that in order to retrieve a series of values, you use one message to get a count of available items, and another to retrieve them. This internal utility function performs the common processing for this pattern. Arguments: hwnd Window handle for the window for which items should be retrieved. getCountMessage Item count message. getValueMessage Value retrieval message. Returns: Retrieved items.''' result = [] VALUE_LENGTH = 256 bufferlength_int = struct.pack('i', VALUE_LENGTH) # This is a C style int. valuecount = win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, getCountMessage, 0, 0) for itemIndex in range(valuecount): valuebuffer = array.array('c', bufferlength_int + " " * (VALUE_LENGTH - len(bufferlength_int))) valueLength = win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, getValueMessage, itemIndex, valuebuffer) result.append(valuebuffer.tostring()[:valueLength]) return result def _windowEnumerationHandler(hwnd, resultList): '''Pass to win32gui.EnumWindows() to generate list of window handle, window text, window class tuples.''' resultList.append((hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd), win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd))) def _buildWinLong(high, low): '''Build a windows long parameter from high and low words. See http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q189/1/70.asp ''' # return ((high << 16) | low) return int(struct.unpack('>L', struct.pack('>2H', high, low)) [0]) def _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, nofifyMessage): '''Send a notify message to a control.''' win32gui.SendMessage(win32gui.GetParent(hwnd), win32con.WM_COMMAND, _buildWinLong(nofifyMessage, win32api.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_ID)), hwnd) def _normaliseText(controlText): '''Remove '&' characters, and lower case. Useful for matching control text.''' return controlText.lower().replace('&', '') def _findNamedSubmenu(hMenu, hMenuItemCount, submenuName): '''Find the index number of a menu's submenu with a specific name.''' for submenuIndex in range(hMenuItemCount): submenuInfo = getMenuInfo(hMenu, submenuIndex) if _normaliseText(submenuInfo.name).startswith(_normaliseText(submenuName)): return submenuIndex, submenuInfo.submenu, submenuInfo.itemCount raise WinGuiAutoError("No submenu found for hMenu=" + repr(hMenu) + ", hMenuItemCount=" + repr(hMenuItemCount) + ", submenuName=" + repr(submenuName)) class Bunch(object): '''See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52308''' def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) def __str__(self): state = ["%s=%r" % (attribute, value) for (attribute, value) in self.__dict__.items()] return '\n'.join(state) class WinGuiAutoError(Exception): pass if __name__ == '__main__': # Test - drives notepad. # I't like to use unittest here, but I've no idea how to automate these # tests. # NT/2K/XP notepads have a different menu stuctures. win_version = {4: "NT", 5: "2K", 6: "XP"}[os.sys.getwindowsversion()[0]] print "win_version=", win_version import pprint import random import time print "Open and locate Notepad" os.startfile('notepad') time.sleep(.5) notepadWindow = findTopWindow(wantedClass='Notepad') print "Open and locate the 'replace' dialogue" if win_version in ["NT"]: activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ['search', 'replace']) elif win_version in ["2K", "XP"]: activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ['edit', 'replace']) time.sleep(.5) replaceDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='Replace') print "Locate the 'find' edit box" findValue = findControl(replaceDialog, wantedClass="Edit") print "Enter some text - and wait long enough for it to be seen" setEditText(findValue, "Hello, mate!") time.sleep(.5) print "Locate the 'cancel' button, and click it." cancelButton = findControl(replaceDialog, wantedClass="Button", wantedText="Cancel") clickButton(cancelButton) print "Open and locate the 'font' dialogue" if win_version in ["NT"]: activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ['edit', 'set font']) elif win_version in ["2K", "XP"]: activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ['format', 'font']) time.sleep(.5) fontDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='Font') print "Let's see if dumping works. Dump the 'font' dialogue contents:" pprint.pprint(dumpWindow(fontDialog)) print "Change the font" fontCombos = findControls(fontDialog, wantedClass="ComboBox") print "Find the font selection combo" for fontCombo in fontCombos: fontComboItems = getComboboxItems(fontCombo) if 'Arial' in fontComboItems: break print "Select at random" selectComboboxItem(fontCombo, random.choice(fontComboItems)) time.sleep(.5) okButton = findControl(fontDialog, wantedClass="Button", wantedText="OK") clickButton(okButton) print "Locate notpads edit area, and enter various bits of text." editArea = findControl(notepadWindow,wantedClass="Edit") setEditText(editArea, "Hello, again!") time.sleep(.5) setEditText(editArea, "You still there?") time.sleep(.5) setEditText(editArea, ["Here come", "two lines!"]) time.sleep(.5) print "Add some..." setEditText(editArea, ["", "And a 3rd one!"], append=True) time.sleep(.5) print "See what's there now:" pprint.pprint(getEditText(editArea)) print "Exit notepad" activateMenuItem(notepadWindow, ('file', 'exit')) time.sleep(.5) print "Don't save." saveDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='Notepad') time.sleep(.5) noButton = findControl(saveDialog,wantedClass="Button", wantedText="no") clickButton(noButton) print "OK, now we'll have a go with WordPad." os.startfile('wordpad') time.sleep(1) wordpadWindow = findTopWindow(wantedText='WordPad') print "Open and locate the 'new document' dialog." activateMenuItem(wordpadWindow, [0, 0]) time.sleep(.5) newDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='New') print "Check you get an exception for non-existent control" try: findControl(newDialog, wantedClass="Banana") raise Exception("Test failed") except WinGuiAutoError, winGuiAutoError: print "Yup, got: ", str(winGuiAutoError) print "Locate the 'document type' list box" docType = findControl(newDialog, wantedClass="ListBox") typeListBox = getListboxItems(docType) print "getListboxItems(docType)=", typeListBox print "Select a type at random" selectListboxItem(docType, random.randint(0, len(typeListBox)-1)) time.sleep(.5) clickButton(findControl(newDialog, wantedClass="Button", wantedText="OK")) print "Check you get an exception for non-existent menu path" try: activateMenuItem(wordpadWindow, ('not', 'there')) raise Exception("Test failed") except WinGuiAutoError, winGuiAutoError: print "Yup, got: ", str(winGuiAutoError) print "Check you get an exception for non-existent menu item" try: activateMenuItem(wordpadWindow, ('file', 'missing')) raise Exception("Test failed") except WinGuiAutoError, winGuiAutoError: print "Yup, got: ", str(winGuiAutoError) print "Exit wordpad" activateMenuItem(wordpadWindow, ('file', 'exit')) print "Check you get an exception for non-existent top window" try: findTopWindow(wantedText="Banana") raise Exception("Test failed") except WinGuiAutoError, winGuiAutoError: print "Yup, got: ", str(winGuiAutoError) print "Err, that's it."
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