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{ ****************************************** } { } { 四则运算的类 } { } { } { tansoo.cn } { 2005.3 } { ****************************************** } unit Calc; interface uses Classes, Variants, SysUtils; type TGetPValueEvent = procedure(const s: String; var v: Variant) of object; TFunctionEvent = procedure(const Name: String; p1, p2, p3: Variant; var Val: Variant) of object; TCalcer = class private FOnGetValue: TGetPValueEvent; FOnFunction: TFunctionEvent; function GetIdentify(const s: String; var i: Integer): String; function GetString(const s: String; var i: Integer): String; procedure Get3Parameters(const s: String; var i: Integer; var s1, s2, s3: String); public function Str2OPZ(s: String): String; function CalcOPZ(const s: String): Variant; function Calc(const s: String): Variant; property OnGetValue: TGetPValueEvent read FOnGetValue write FOnGetValue; property OnFunction: TFunctionEvent read FOnFunction write FOnFunction; end; TVariables = class(TObject) private FList: TStringList; procedure SetVariable(const Name: String; Value: Variant); function GetVariable(const Name: String): Variant; procedure SetValue(Index: Integer; Value: Variant); function GetValue(Index: Integer): Variant; procedure SetName(Index: Integer; Value: String); function GetName(Index: Integer): String; function GetCount: Integer; procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean); function GetSorted: Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Value: TVariables); procedure Clear; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); function IndexOf(const Name: String): Integer; procedure Insert(Position: Integer; const Name: String); property Variable[const Name: String] : Variant read GetVariable write SetVariable; default; property Value[Index: Integer]: Variant read GetValue write SetValue; property Name[Index: Integer]: String read GetName write SetName; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Sorted: Boolean read GetSorted write SetSorted; end; TFunctionSplitter = class protected FMatchFuncs, FSplitTo: TStrings; FParser: TCalcer; FVariables: TVariables; public constructor Create(MatchFuncs, SplitTo: TStrings; Variables: TVariables); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Split(s: String); end; function GetBrackedVariable(const s: String; var i, j: Integer): String; implementation type PVariable = ^TVariable; TVariable = record Value: Variant; end; const ttGe = #1; ttLe = #2; ttNe = #3; ttOr = #4; ttAnd = #5; ttInt = #6; ttFrac = #7; ttUnMinus = #9; ttUnPlus = #10; ttStr = #11; ttNot = #12; ttMod = #13; ttRound = #14; function GetBrackedVariable(const s: String; var i, j: Integer): String; var c: Integer; fl1, fl2: Boolean; begin j := i; fl1 := True; fl2 := True; c := 0; Result := ''; if (s = '') or (j > Length(s)) then Exit; Dec(j); repeat Inc(j); if fl1 and fl2 then if s[j] = '[' then begin if c = 0 then i := j; Inc(c); end else if s[j] = ']' then Dec(c); if fl1 then if s[j] = '"' then fl2 := not fl2; if fl2 then if s[j] = '''' then fl1 := not fl1; until (c = 0) or (j >= Length(s)); Result := Copy(s, i + 1, j - i - 1); end; { TVariables } constructor TVariables.Create; begin inherited Create; FList := TStringList.Create; FList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; end; destructor TVariables.Destroy; begin Clear; FList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TVariables.Assign(Value: TVariables); var i: Integer; begin Clear; for i := 0 to Value.Count - 1 do SetVariable(Value.Name[i], Value.Value[i]); end; procedure TVariables.Clear; begin while FList.Count > 0 do Delete(0); end; procedure TVariables.SetVariable(const Name: String; Value: Variant); var i: Integer; p: PVariable; begin i := IndexOf(Name); if i <> -1 then PVariable(FList.Objects[i]).Value := Value else begin New(p); p^.Value := Value; FList.AddObject(Name, TObject(p)); end; end; function TVariables.GetVariable(const Name: String): Variant; var i: Integer; begin Result := Null; i := IndexOf(Name); if i <> -1 then Result := PVariable(FList.Objects[i]).Value; end; procedure TVariables.SetValue(Index: Integer; Value: Variant); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FList.Count) then Exit; PVariable(FList.Objects[Index])^.Value := Value; end; function TVariables.GetValue(Index: Integer): Variant; begin Result := 0; if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FList.Count) then Exit; Result := PVariable(FList.Objects[Index])^.Value; end; function TVariables.IndexOf(const Name: String): Integer; begin Result := FList.IndexOf(Name); end; procedure TVariables.Insert(Position: Integer; const Name: String); begin SetVariable(Name, 0); FList.Move(FList.IndexOf(Name), Position); end; function TVariables.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; procedure TVariables.SetName(Index: Integer; Value: String); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FList.Count) then Exit; FList[Index] := Value; end; function TVariables.GetName(Index: Integer): String; begin Result := ''; if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FList.Count) then Exit; Result := FList[Index]; end; procedure TVariables.Delete(Index: Integer); var p: PVariable; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FList.Count) then Exit; p := PVariable(FList.Objects[Index]); Dispose(p); FList.Delete(Index); end; procedure TVariables.SetSorted(Value: Boolean); begin FList.Sorted := Value; end; function TVariables.GetSorted: Boolean; begin Result := FList.Sorted; end; { TCalcer } {$WARNINGS OFF} function TCalcer.CalcOPZ(const s: String): Variant; var i, j, k, i1, st, ci, cn: Integer; s1, s2, s3, s4: String; nm: Array [1 .. 32] of Variant; v: Double; begin st := 1; i := 1; nm[1] := 0; Result := 0; while i <= Length(s) do begin j := i; case s[i] of '+': nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] + nm[st - 1]; ttOr: nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] or nm[st - 1]; '-': nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] - nm[st - 1]; '*', ttAnd: nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] * nm[st - 1]; '/': if nm[st - 1] <> 0 then nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] / nm[st - 1] else nm[st - 2] := 0; '>': if nm[st - 2] > nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; '<': if nm[st - 2] < nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; '=': if nm[st - 2] = nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; ttNe: if nm[st - 2] <> nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; ttGe: if nm[st - 2] >= nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; ttLe: if nm[st - 2] <= nm[st - 1] then nm[st - 2] := 1 else nm[st - 2] := 0; ttInt: begin v := nm[st - 1]; if Abs(Round(v) - v) < 1E-10 then v := Round(v) else v := Int(v); nm[st - 1] := v; end; ttFrac: begin v := nm[st - 1]; if Abs(Round(v) - v) < 1E-10 then v := Round(v); nm[st - 1] := Frac(v); end; ttRound: nm[st - 1] := Integer(Round(nm[st - 1])); ttUnMinus: nm[st - 1] := -nm[st - 1]; ttUnPlus: ; ttStr: begin if nm[st - 1] <> Null then s1 := nm[st - 1] else s1 := ''; nm[st - 1] := s1; end; ttNot: if nm[st - 1] = 0 then nm[st - 1] := 1 else nm[st - 1] := 0; ttMod: nm[st - 2] := nm[st - 2] mod nm[st - 1]; ' ': ; '[': begin k := i; s1 := GetBrackedVariable(s, k, i); if Assigned(FOnGetValue) then FOnGetValue(s1, nm[st]); Inc(st); end else begin if s[i] = '''' then begin s1 := GetString(s, i); s1 := Copy(s1, 2, Length(s1) - 2); while Pos('''' + '''', s1) <> 0 do Delete(s1, Pos('''' + '''', s1), 1); nm[st] := s1; k := i; end else begin k := i; s1 := GetIdentify(s, k); if (s1 <> '') and (s1[1] in ['0' .. '9', '.', ',']) then begin for i1 := 1 to Length(s1) do if s1[i1] in ['.', ','] then s1[i1] := DecimalSeparator; nm[st] := StrToFloat(s1); end else if AnsiCompareText(s1, 'TRUE') = 0 then nm[st] := True else if AnsiCompareText(s1, 'FALSE') = 0 then nm[st] := False else if s[k] = '[' then begin s1 := 'GETARRAY(' + s1 + ', ' + GetBrackedVariable(s, k, i) + ')'; nm[st] := Calc(s1); k := i; end else if s[k] = '(' then begin s1 := AnsiUpperCase(s1); Get3Parameters(s, k, s2, s3, s4); if s1 = 'COPY' then begin ci := StrToInt(Calc(s3)); cn := StrToInt(Calc(s4)); nm[st] := Copy(Calc(s2), ci, cn); end else if s1 = 'IF' then begin if Int(StrToFloat(Calc(s2))) <> 0 then s1 := s3 else s1 := s4; nm[st] := Calc(s1); end else if s1 = 'STRTODATE' then nm[st] := StrToDate(Calc(s2)) else if s1 = 'STRTOTIME' then nm[st] := StrToTime(Calc(s2)) else if Assigned(FOnFunction) then FOnFunction(s1, s2, s3, s4, nm[st]); Dec(k); end else if Assigned(FOnGetValue) then FOnGetValue(AnsiUpperCase(s1), nm[st]); end; i := k; Inc(st); end; end; if s[j] in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '=', ttGe, ttLe, ttNe, ttOr, ttAnd, ttMod] then Dec(st); Inc(i); end; Result := nm[1]; end; {$WARNINGS ON} function TCalcer.GetIdentify(const s: String; var i: Integer): String; var k, n: Integer; begin n := 0; while (i <= Length(s)) and (s[i] <= ' ') do Inc(i); k := i; Dec(i); repeat Inc(i); while (i <= Length(s)) and not(s[i] in [' ', #13, '+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '=', '(', ')', '[']) do begin if s[i] = '"' then Inc(n); Inc(i); end; until (n mod 2 = 0) or (i >= Length(s)); Result := Copy(s, k, i - k); end; function TCalcer.GetString(const s: String; var i: Integer): String; var k: Integer; f: Boolean; begin k := i; Inc(i); repeat while (i <= Length(s)) and (s[i] <> '''') do Inc(i); f := True; if (i < Length(s)) and (s[i + 1] = '''') then begin f := False; Inc(i, 2); end; until f; Result := Copy(s, k, i - k + 1); Inc(i); end; procedure TCalcer.Get3Parameters(const s: String; var i: Integer; var s1, s2, s3: String); var c, d, oi, ci: Integer; begin s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; c := 1; d := 1; oi := i + 1; ci := 1; repeat Inc(i); if s[i] = '''' then if d = 1 then Inc(d) else d := 1; if d = 1 then begin if s[i] = '(' then Inc(c) else if s[i] = ')' then Dec(c); if (s[i] = ',') and (c = 1) then begin if ci = 1 then s1 := Copy(s, oi, i - oi) else s2 := Copy(s, oi, i - oi); oi := i + 1; Inc(ci); end; end; until (c = 0) or (i >= Length(s)); case ci of 1: s1 := Copy(s, oi, i - oi); 2: s2 := Copy(s, oi, i - oi); 3: s3 := Copy(s, oi, i - oi); end; if c <> 0 then raise Exception.Create(''); Inc(i); end; function TCalcer.Str2OPZ(s: String): String; label 1; var i, i1, j, p: Integer; stack: String; res, s1, s2, s3, s4: String; vr: Boolean; c: Char; function Priority(c: Char): Integer; begin case c of '(': Priority := 5; ')': Priority := 4; '=', '>', '<', ttGe, ttLe, ttNe: Priority := 3; '+', '-', ttUnMinus, ttUnPlus: Priority := 2; '*', '/', ttOr, ttAnd, ttNot, ttMod: Priority := 1; ttInt, ttFrac, ttRound, ttStr: Priority := 0; else Priority := 0; end; end; procedure ProcessQuotes(var s: String); var i: Integer; begin if (Length(s) = 0) or (s[1] <> '''') then Exit; i := 2; if Length(s) > 2 then while i <= Length(s) do begin if (s[i] = '''') and (i < Length(s)) then begin Insert('''', s, i); Inc(i); end; Inc(i); end; end; begin res := ''; stack := ''; i := 1; vr := False; while i <= Length(s) do begin case s[i] of '(': begin stack := '(' + stack; vr := False; end; ')': begin p := Pos('(', stack); res := res + Copy(stack, 1, p - 1); stack := Copy(stack, p + 1, Length(stack) - p); end; '+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '=': begin if (s[i] = '<') and (s[i + 1] = '>') then begin Inc(i); s[i] := ttNe; end else if (s[i] = '>') and (s[i + 1] = '=') then begin Inc(i); s[i] := ttGe; end else if (s[i] = '<') and (s[i + 1] = '=') then begin Inc(i); s[i] := ttLe; end; 1 : if not vr then begin if s[i] = '-' then s[i] := ttUnMinus; if s[i] = '+' then s[i] := ttUnPlus; end; vr := False; if stack = '' then stack := s[i] + stack else if Priority(s[i]) < Priority(stack[1]) then stack := s[i] + stack else begin repeat res := res + stack[1]; stack := Copy(stack, 2, Length(stack) - 1); until (stack = '') or (Priority(stack[1]) > Priority(s[i])); stack := s[i] + stack; end; end; ';': break; ' ', #13: ; else begin vr := True; s2 := ''; i1 := i; if s[i] = '%' then begin s2 := '%' + s[i + 1]; Inc(i, 2); end; if s[i] = '''' then s2 := s2 + GetString(s, i) else if s[i] = '[' then begin s2 := s2 + '[' + GetBrackedVariable(s, i, j) + ']'; i := j + 1; end else begin s2 := s2 + GetIdentify(s, i); if s[i] = '[' then begin s2 := s2 + '[' + GetBrackedVariable(s, i, j) + ']'; i := j + 1; end; end; c := s[i]; if (Length(s2) > 0) and (s2[1] in ['0' .. '9', '.', ',']) then res := res + s2 + ' ' else begin s1 := AnsiUpperCase(s2); if s1 = 'INT' then begin s[i - 1] := ttInt; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'FRAC' then begin s[i - 1] := ttFrac; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'ROUND' then begin s[i - 1] := ttRound; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'OR' then begin s[i - 1] := ttOr; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'AND' then begin s[i - 1] := ttAnd; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'NOT' then begin s[i - 1] := ttNot; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'STR' then begin s[i - 1] := ttStr; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if s1 = 'MOD' then begin s[i - 1] := ttMod; Dec(i); goto 1; end else if c = '(' then begin Get3Parameters(s, i, s2, s3, s4); res := res + Copy(s, i1, i - i1); end else res := res + s2 + ' '; end; Dec(i); end; end; Inc(i); end; if stack <> '' then res := res + stack; Result := res; end; function TCalcer.Calc(const s: String): Variant; begin Result := CalcOPZ(Str2OPZ(s)); end; { TFunctionSplitter } constructor TFunctionSplitter.Create(MatchFuncs, SplitTo: TStrings; Variables: TVariables); begin inherited Create; FParser := TCalcer.Create; FMatchFuncs := MatchFuncs; FSplitTo := SplitTo; FVariables := Variables; end; destructor TFunctionSplitter.Destroy; begin FParser.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFunctionSplitter.Split(s: String); var i, k: Integer; s1, s2, s3, s4: String; begin i := 1; s := Trim(s); if (Length(s) > 0) and (s[1] = '''') then Exit; while i <= Length(s) do begin k := i; if s[1] = '[' then begin s1 := GetBrackedVariable(s, k, i); if FVariables.IndexOf(s1) <> -1 then s1 := FVariables[s1]; Split(s1); k := i + 1; end else begin s1 := FParser.GetIdentify(s, k); if s[k] = '(' then begin FParser.Get3Parameters(s, k, s2, s3, s4); Split(s2); Split(s3); Split(s4); if FMatchFuncs.IndexOf(s1) <> -1 then FSplitTo.Add(Copy(s, i, k - i)); end else if FVariables.IndexOf(s1) <> -1 then begin s1 := FVariables[s1]; Split(s1); end else if s[k] in [' ', #13, '+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '='] then Inc(k) else if s1 = '' then break; end; i := k; end; end; end. 调用方法如下 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var c:TCalcer; begin c := TCalcer.Create; Edit2.Text := c.Calc(Edit1.Text); c.Free; end;
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